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Een bericht getagd met "TypeScript"

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· 5 minuten leestijd
Mitchell Mudd

TypeScript in 50 lessons book book cover

I loved TypeScript in 50 Lessons! The book divvies up the fundamentals along with more advanced topics of TypeScript into 50 bite-sized lessons which took me around two months to read doing a lesson or two a night. The smaller lessons always helped me feel as though I was making progress even when I wasn’t feeling happy with my ability to comprehend the topics, it definitely aided me in finishing the book.

The book is written by the brilliant Stefan Baumgartner. He’s a TypeScript wizard and I always end up running into his articles. He recently announced a new book “The TypeScript Cookbook” which will be released through O’Reilly Books and you can find out more about him here. Now I’ll get on with the review 🤪